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Industry knowledge

Balance Hot Tub PH

Release time:2024-04-25 Number of visits:355

How To Balance Hot Tub PH?


The ideal pH of hot tub water is between 7.2 and 7.8, which is slightly alkaline. Low pH can cause corrosion in hot tub equipment, while high pH can cause cloudy water, irritate skin, and reduce the effectiveness of disinfecting chemicals.


One of the easiest ways to test the pH of your hot tub water is with a testing kit, which can be found at most pool and spa supply stores. If the pH of your hot tub water is too low, you can raise the pH by adding a pH increaser (also called soda ash) to the water. It is important to add pH increasing agents to the water slowly and in small amounts, as adding too much at once may cause the pH to swing too much in the opposite direction. After adding a pH increaser, be sure to retest the water after a few hours to make sure the pH is within the desired range.


On the other hand, if the pH of your hot tub water is too high, you can lower it by adding a pH reducer (also called sodium bisulfate). As with pH increasers, it is important to add pH reducers to the water slowly and in small amounts, retesting the water after each addition to ensure that the pH gradually reaches the ideal range.


In addition to adjusting the pH of your hot tub water, it's also important to regularly check and maintain alkalinity and calcium hardness levels. Alkalinity acts as a buffer for pH and helps prevent drastic changes, while calcium hardness helps prevent corrosion of hot tub equipment. If these levels are not within the recommended range, the effectiveness of any pH adjustment may be compromised.

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  • Henan Lvyuan Water Treatment Technology Co.,LTD
    • Mobile / whats app: +8613633824828
    • Tel/Fax: +86-371-64570222  
    • E-mail: lisa@lywater.com 
    • Add: Beishankou Industrial District, Gongyi City, Henan Province , China.
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