Polyaluminum Chloride Processes In Water Treatment-2
In order to better flocculate and precipitate polyaluminum chloride, the type of polyaluminum chloride should be selected in combination with the water quality of the sewage. Only by finding the right type can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Below, polyaluminum chloride manufacturers will analyze the four processes of polyaluminum chloride in the suitable water treatment process.
The flocculation stage of PAC polyaluminum chloride flocculant: First, the process of the growth and thickening of the flocculent flower requires an appropriate degree of turbulence and sufficient residence time (10-15min). Shen, forming a clear layer on the outside. In the beaker test, the mixture was first stirred at 150 rpm for about 6 minutes, and then stirred at 60 rpm for about 4 minutes to a suspended state.