When To Shock Your Pool With Calcium Hypochlorite?
Release time:2024-07-17 Number of visits:314
Don' t wait for the chloramines to reach gag-inducing levels before you bust out the calcium hypochlorite. A good rule of thumb is to shock your pool at least once a week.
But you might want to shock more often if:
● You' ve recently had a bad storm, with or without wind-blown debris
● Your pool' s seen extra heavy use (like a pool party)
● Your pool' s water level has changed significantly
● Someone has confused your swimming pool with the Port-o-San (i.e., bathroom-related mishaps)
Proactive shocking with calcium hypochlorite will help ensure your pool is well-defended against algae, bacteria, and other contaminants. A clean pool is a healthy, happy pool.