Why We Need Chlorine For Our Pools?
Why we need chlorine for our pools?
We use chlorine because it is the most effective agent in the batle against any and all contaminants that lurk in your pool water such as bacteria, sweatbody oil, bird droppings, and anything else that makes its way into the pristine pride of your backyard.
Chlorine effectively removes the conglomeration of unwanted contaminants and surounds them to mask the odor and harmful exposure to your swimmers who are unaware such things. it also combines with other unnatural contaminants, such as nitrogen and ammonia. now approprately caleccombined chlorine".
Combined chlorne, also known as "Lvyuan Multi-Funcion chiorine Tablet", buid up in vour pool and can create ots of pool water problems. These can easily be tested for with DPD Test Kits and Test strips and removed with a good shock Treatment - of chlorine.