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Advantages of Powder Activated Carbon

Release time:2024-09-04 Number of visits:281

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Powdered activated carbon is more widely used in the water industry because of its strong adsorption capacity. Many people will question what powdered activated carbon is made of. In fact, the raw materials of manufacturing are very common, generally high-quality wood chips, coconut shells, coal and other raw materials, and are manufactured through several processing processes, so it has a strong adsorption and decolorization ability. Compared with granular activated carbon, the contact area of powdered activated carbon is relatively large. Because the powdered activated carbon is in powder form, so in actual use, its contact area is larger and more extensive, so the corresponding adsorption and decolorization ability is stronger, the effect is more significant than the granular activated carbon, so it is widely used.

Fast Adsorption Rate

The adsorption speed is one of the requirements of enterprises for powdered activated carbon. Many raw materials in the filtration process, sometimes need to limit the time, often the temperature of some raw materials sometimes up to about 70 degrees, if the material for a long time at high temperature, it will cause material loss. Therefore, enterprises require a large amount of adsorption in a short period of time, can do this only powder activated carbon can, granular activated carbon adsorption speed is relatively slow, so powdered activated carbon is more widely used.

Strong Adsorption Capacity

Adsorption capacity is one of the advantages of powdered activated carbon, in many industries, powdered activated carbon often acts on the secondary regeneration of raw materials, which mainly uses powdered activated carbon as the main filter raw materials. Because many industries and enterprises for adsorption capacity requirements are relatively high, if the use of granular activated carbon, it will reduce the adsorption capacity, in the actual use of the process is extremely inconvenient, so compared to granular activated carbon, powdered activated carbon strong adsorption capacity is also a variety of industries like the reason.

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  • Henan Lvyuan Water Treatment Technology Co.,LTD
    • Mobile / whats app: +8613633824828
    • Tel/Fax: +86-371-64570222  
    • E-mail: lisa@lywater.com 
    • Add: Beishankou Industrial District, Gongyi City, Henan Province , China.
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