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Can the Viscosity of Polyacrylamide Solution Judge the Quality?

Release time:2024-10-18 Number of visits:218


Generally, the solution of dissolved polyacrylamide is very viscous, and the greater the molecular weight, the greater the viscosity. This is because the macromolecules in polyacrylamide are long, thin chains, and they have a strong resistance in solution. So can the viscosity of polyacrylamide solution judge the quality?

Many customers feel that the higher the viscosity of the flocculant, the higher its quality. In fact, viscosity means the relative molecular weight of the flocculant, and quality is not only based on viscosity. For customers, it is critical to grasp how to distinguish the quality of flocculant and its related index values when purchasing PAM.

In general, the quality of the flocculant is immediately related to viscosity, but the viscosity is not necessarily immediately related to quality. Why do you say that? Because the height of the relative molecular weight determines the height of the viscosity, and the actual effect of the application of high relative molecular weight in some fields is not as good as that of low relative molecular weight goods, so it can not be concluded. Because the types of positive ions of the flocculant are not the same, the relative molecular weight is not the same, so the selection of PAM viscosity in different fields is not the same, some fields are low viscosity, some are not used.

In general, when choosing polyacrylamide products, it is still necessary to root out the site situation and choose the ideal polyacrylamide product model with sewage characteristics, which is a good way to save costs.


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  • Henan Lvyuan Water Treatment Technology Co.,LTD
    • Mobile / whats app: +8613633824828
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    • E-mail: lisa@lywater.com 
    • Add: Beishankou Industrial District, Gongyi City, Henan Province , China.
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